Sunday, December 9, 2012

Spine Surgery for the Strong

Although human bones have evolved to prepare us for the most extreme cases, the fact is that we are not built to be invincible. The spinal cord has an important function in our body. It is responsible for sending messages that go back and forth between the brain and the rest of the body. Messages transmitting pain, muscle movement, touch, vibration of internal organs all relay through the spinal cord. After spinal cord damage, strength, sensation, and other body functions may also be affected in the results of the damage. Those who experience spinal cord damage could feel as though every aspect of their life has been affected, but by calling an orthopedic surgeon, they could determine which spine surgery in Los Angeles is right for you. The type of surgery that you undergo will determine the process of your healing time. Check here for more details on spine surgery.

Expect three weeks to a couple of months to fully recover from spinal cord surgery. Depending on the type of surgery and area of the spine that was damaged, recovery times vary. Degenerative Disc Disease in Los Angeles is an example of a spine surgery that various in recovery time. Your condition after the surgery will determine how long you stay immediately after surgery in the hospital. It could be anywhere from as short as a week to lengths of two weeks. Those with severe damage to the spinal cord should expect to stay longer for monitoring. The day immediately after surgery is generally dedicated to rest. Pain medicine is administered, in addition to a liquid diet until your body adjusts back to normal. Expect the body to adjust back to normal on the second day when pain medications are lowered and regular meals could be given. Depending on the severity of the damage, rehabilitation can vary from minor to extensive. Those with more severe damages will undergo different programs of rehabilitation but in general, your initial rehabilitation program will consist of a lot of walking which is the best physical activity for surgery patients. Contact your physician to find out in better detail what to expect from the surgery.

Often times, we neglect going to the doctor because we are too proud, embarrassed, or feel as though the damage is not a big issue. Spinal cord damage is not a condition to over look due to the major consequences that could result from ignoring the pain. If you suspect that you have spinal cord damage, contact a physician immediately, here are some things that may indicate whether you need to see a doctor:
  • Extreme back pain or numbness along the back of the leg
  • Bulging spinal cord, especially after an accident
  • When conservative measures fails to treat or relieve back pain
For further information on Spine Degeneration Check this website:

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Cervical Spine Process & Restoration after Impact

Racing time to get to work, you step on the gas pedal and speed up to 90 miles per hour passing every car in sight. You look over to see if you remembered to bring your job badge and when you turn back to the road… BANG! Confused and shocked from slamming into the wall, you close your eyes for a few seconds and to try to pull yourself together. You think you’re ok but not sure due to the dazed feeling from the adrenaline caused by the accident. Once you snap back into reality, panicked, you reach for your phone and quickly dial 911.
Make sure to schedule post-appointment checkups with your physician to confirm that your neck doesn’t need surgery from the whiplash experienced in the car accident. The development of neck pain after a car accident can be tricky and involve a combination of variables such as physical, mechanical, and psychological factors. Some severe accidents require you to wear neck braces, or in serious cases, surgery such as cervical spine surgery. Contact an orthopedic surgeon to see if you need cervical spine surgery in Los Angeles. When you experience cervical spine trauma, it weakens the ligaments, discs, muscles, and even structures of the spine. Symptoms such as stiffness, numbness, swelling, and discomfort could be experience to your whole body and limit your movements. To determine if you need a herniated disc repair in Los Angeles, a cervical spine surgeon can take X-rays and make assessments on pain and range of movement of the neck.
Cervical spine surgery? What is this? How to have this surgery done? Click here to clarify your doubts
Situations like these are very common and you should be fully prepared after being in any car accident. By being fully knowledgeable and understanding the correct steps to follow after an accident, you could assure that your health and legal matters are handled correctly. After the accident remember not to apologize for the accident. If someone is severely injured from the accident, call 911 to get emergency attention immediately and do not wait until the accident is resolved to go to the doctor. Contact the police right away, no matter how small the accident, to get a full detailed report of the accident. If other vehicles were involved, information to collect from the other parties are the names, addresses, and phone numbers of everyone involved. A description of the car and license plate number may be helpful, but make sure you obtain their vehicle identification number and insurance company as well. Ask your insurance company for steps and tips that should be followed after an accident to get your correct claims and medical bills paid for.

Check out this website for further info on herniated disc treatment :

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Recovery of Cervical spine surgery.

It also houses the crucial spinal cord, which consists of millions of nerve fibers that links the brain to the rest of the body.For more details please visit:

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Recovery phase of spinal cord surgery

Let’s get back to normal. Most patients that undergo cervical spine surgery can expect great results and return back to daily activities soon after their surgery. Cervical spine surgery is a procedure to correct cervical vertebrae and cervical spine problems. Symptoms that a patient may experience to indicate that surgery is needed may be numbness, pain, and weakness, so much so that even writing may be impossible. The consequences of not performing surgery are detrimental, and in some cases can lead to paralysis and death. Contact a physician to examine the compression of the spinal cord in Los Angeles and confirm whether surgery is needed. Click here 

Most procedures require one to two days stay in the hospital depending on the type of cervical spine procedure that was use to correct your spinal cord. During this time in the hospital, a physical therapist will work closely with you to help guide you back towards independence. Patients are often encouraged to stand and sit within twenty-four hours after the surgery. The therapist will begin by helping you move safely in your bed or sitting up. Once your body is ready for greater movement, the therapist will gradually ease your body to walking.


 Patients should not try to overdo it for the first few times they get up or walk. In order to maximize healing, static tightening or ankle pump exercises may be done to ease soreness or prevent blood clots. It is important to remember to breathe deeply to better lung capacity and circulation. This aids with the overall motion and prevents muscle soreness and tightening. Patients heal faster when they exercise their breathing and muscles. In addition, ice packs could be applied before and after therapy treatments to reduce swelling and relieve pain. Search for a specialist that performs spinal cord surgery in Los Angeles to not only relief the symptoms of cervical spinal cord damage, but also cure and eliminate the risk of not getting it.

 It is important to strictly follow the physician’s instructions after surgery. The physician may instruct you to wear a neck brace to keep your neck bones in line or support the weight of your head while you are healing. Let your physician know if your neck brace is uncomfortable or whether it is causing any discomfort. Healing from a cervical spine surgery should be quick, and by wearing your neck brace properly in addition to getting enough rest, you should expect a quick recovery.

 For more details on spinal cord surgery please visit:

Monday, September 10, 2012

Treatments for Herniated Disc and Pinched Nerve

Our spine is one of the most important bone structures in our bodies.  As the long flexible line of bone segments at our back, it allows to stand upright, bend and move around freely.  It also houses the crucial spinal cord, which consists of millions of nerve fibers that links the brain to the rest of the body.  There are three main sections that make up the spinal column:  the cervical (upper), thoracic (middle), and the lumbar (lower). 

The upper spine region, just below the skull, consists of the first seven vertebrae and is described as the most nomadic section of the spine.  The nerves in the cervical spine also extend to the arms and the upper chest.  Below that is the thoracic middle section, where it contains twelve vertebrae segments that binds the ribs and supports the back wall of the ribcage between the diaphragm and the neck.  It is actually the least mobile part of the spine and is connected to the abdomen and chest.  And lastly, the lumbar spine makes up the largest portion of the entire spinal column.  It is responsible for the support for the entire upper body and usually contains five vertebrae.  At the very base of this section is the sacrum, which is the fusion of several bones that attaches that spine to the pelvis bone.  It is at this joint location that most people feel the most back pain, since this area carries the most weight of the body and experiences the most movement.  

Because this bone is so complex and experiences so much movement, it is very prone to injury.  The two most common back issues that people deal with are herniated disc and a pinched nerve.  A herniated disc occurs when there is a rupture of the fibrocartilage of the spongy disc between the spinal bone columns.  This usually happens due to old age when the discs dry out and are not as supple.  Of course injury can cause tiny cracks and tears in the solid outer layer of the disc and cause it to break open.  A herniated disc repair in Los Angeles can mend this injury with surgery; by removing herniated disc, there will free space around the compressed nerve with decreased pressure. 
A pinched nerve is very similar in that a specific nerve is damaged from a direct pressure and loses its ability to accurately conduct its signal.  A pinched nerve treatment in Los Angeles remedies this by physical therapy to stretch and strengthen specific muscles to relieve pressure, or surgery to release tissues over the nerves. 

Check out this website for further queries on Herniated Disc Repair

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Get back Movement in Your Lower Back

Your spine is probably one of the most delicate yet fundamental bone structures in the human body.  It is home to the spinal cord, which is the main messenger that sends signals from the brain to almost all parts of the body.  The spine is composed of seven vertebrae, that begins at the base of the neck and extends all the way down to the thoracic spine, and is also stabilized by an connective structure of muscles, ligaments, joints, and tendons.  Another function of the cervical spine is to provide mobility to the neck, allowing for controlled rotation and flexion.  This cervical vertebra is generally very durable and resistant to the injury, only requiring treatment due to continual wear and tear. 
Cervical spine surgery in Los Angeles can help relieve any pain, numbness, or weakness, restore nerve function, and correct any abnormal motion in your spine.  First, you must come in for an initial consultation.  Here, your surgeon can perform a physical examination where he will assess your general health, discuss your medical history, and inquire about any prior surgeries you have had.  Then you will undergo an x-ray exam to locate the exact location of the damage, and the specific bone segments that must be treated.   He will then discuss with you exactly what will take place during the procedure, what possible complications may occur, and the expected postoperative course.  

The same preliminary steps must be taken with patients that need lumbar spine surgery in Los Angeles.  The lumbar spine is the largest portion of the vertebral column; wider and thicker than other sections of the spine.  Due to its location on the lower back, it is more susceptible to injury, or pain and pressure from everyday movements.  Those who have experienced constant lower back pain are receiving it from this spinal segment.   

No matter how subtle or severe, both cervical spine surgery and lumbar spine surgery will treat and restore your spine to good health.  Because the spinal cord is composed of multiple segments, each one depends on the other one to coordinate for proper functioning.  And in between these segments are soft, malleable cartilages that serves to absorb shock   If one or more fragment are deteriorated, the natural process would be to remove the damaged bone and replace with a bone graft, taken from the hip bone.  This will cause the two vertebral bodies to connect together into a longer bone.  

After your cervical spine surgery, you will be required to rest in bed for a few days and practice a routine physical therapy to maintain mobility and flexibility.  And full recovery will take about five weeks.   

For more details please visit:

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Regain Mobility in Your Lower Back

The spine may be the single most important bone in the human body.  Home to the crucial spinal cord, this vertebral column is composed of 26 smaller and irregular bones that extend from the base of the skull to the back of the pelvis.  This spine is cushioned by a soft substance called a disk, which protects and seals the bones to one another.  This particular bone also functions as a communication medium for the brain by transmitted and receiving signals through the spinal cord.  In this skeletal structure, the 26 bones are grouped into several divisions that contain their own functions to the human body.  The top 7 are the cervical, the next seven are the thoracic, the next five are the lumbar; the widest and thickest portion of the spine.

The lumbar portion supports the lower back of the human body, therefore enables an individual to bend forward and extend backwards, as well as bending to the side.  Much of a human’s daily activities involved these motions, but years and years of these repeated motions will result in the gradual wearing down of lumbar bones and discs, and increased pain and pressure.  In addition, the nerves that were intertwined within these bone segments will experience direct pressure and will be injured.

Lumbar spine surgery can correct any deviation and alleviate any pain you may have in this lower portion of your spine.  This procedure will remove any damaged parts while enlarging the spinal canal to ease pressure and performs as a pinched nerve treatment as well.  The crucial step for this procedure is to undergo a CT scan or MRI to determine the amount and location of the damage.  Once the precise areas have been detected, then the operation may begin.

The main purpose of the lumbar spine surgery is to allow healthy bone segments to regrow and fuse together to rebuild a proper and functional spine again.  The removal process will not only reduce a lot of pain and pressure on the back, but will alleviate the aching pinched nerve affected.

On the day of the pinched nerve treatment, you will be administered general anesthesia and sedation.  Then your surgeon will create tiny incisions in the back or abdomen.  During the interbody fusion, the surgeon will remove the damaged bone segment and replaces it with an artificial disk, usually made of metal or plastic.  After it has been positioned, the incisions will be closed up and the procedure is finished.  You will be expected to stay in the hospital for about two to four days, but would be able to stand and walk the day after.  As the recovery period progresses, the hospital staff will assist you with some physical therapy so you can regain normal movement.  Your full lumbar spine surgery healing may take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

For more details regarding back pain please visit :

Monday, June 11, 2012

Understanding and alleviating back pain

It has been estimated that there are currently 65 million Americans suffering from back pain, with 80% of adults stating that they have been bothered in some way by back pain at some point in their lives. Of those 80%, more than half stated that their back pain was severe enough to disrupt their regular routines for at least a week or more and about 88% stated that their back pains were recurring. Perhaps there are some people with back pain that can be provided relief by chiropractic methods, but there are many types of back pain stemming from problems that a chiropractor would be unable to solve, such as repairing fractures to bones or repairing damage to the interior of joints. For these types of problems, an orthopedic or spinal surgeon would be needed.

It seems that as people get older, back problems not only get worse, but also grow in duration, frequency, and number. A good amount of back problems are caused by the process of aging. One such problem is known as degenerative spine cascade, or degenerative disc disease, in which the human spine goes through a continuous process of changing and degenerating brought on by wear and tear through the years or by an acute or recurring injury. Other factors that contribute to this spine degeneration disease are genetic predisposition, major trauma, occupational factors, diet and nutrition, sports related activities, and exercise levels. These factors can contribute to the degeneration of the discs- which provide cushioning and spine absorption for spinal vertebrae- that are already being worn down by time and age. Although degenerative disc disease can be treated without surgery through physical therapy, osteopathic manipulation, or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, but for some patients, adequate relief doesn’t occur until after surgery, such as spinal fusion, has been performed.

Another type of problem brought on by aging, and can be exacerbated by a variety of factors, is known as bone spurs. Bone spurs, or as they are technically called, osteophytes, smooth, bony growths that form along joint margins; they are technically just extra bone. Bone spurs commonly form on the spine, hands, shoulders, hips, feet, and knees. When certain joints, areas of joints, or cartilage at the end of bones, are under constant, continual pressure, rubbing, or stress, the body may respond by building an extra bone in order to repair itself; this extra bone is the bone spur. Although mild bone spurs can be treated with nonsurgical methods such as stretching and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, more painful and uncomfortable bone spurs will require surgery. Decompression surgery, lumbar spine surgery, and spinal fusion surgery are just different examples of the types of orthopedic surgery available to alleviate back pain.

For more details on Spine degeneration Visit :

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Supporting your back

As a parent, you are always looking out for your child’s health and making sure they get the best they possibly can. You make sure you choose the right day care, the right school, and keep an eye on the friends they choose to play with to keep them out of trouble. While you are ensuring your child has the happiest childhood possible, don’t forget the little things that may hinder their health along the way. It has been discussed in a New York Times article that children are carrying a higher weight amount in their backpacks than they should be.

Children that are carrying more than 15% of their body weight in their backpack are setting themselves up to acquire a back problem easier than others. If a child weighs around 85 pounds, they shouldn’t be carrying more than 12 pounds in their backpack, and when you add textbooks, extra clothes, and items for after school activities, those 12 pounds gets filled quickly.

There are alternatives to look into to help with this issue that may be easily overlooked. You could purchase a roller backpack for your child that allows for more room and easier time transporting items around. You could also look into renting or purchasing copies of their current textbooks your child does not have to physically carry so many books home. With technology today, many schools are choosing books that are available on other devices such as electronic reading devices, or that can be shared online. This is also to help bring down the cost schools have to pay every year for new edition textbooks.

A way to make sure that your child is properly taken care of, you need to have them examined by a doctor regularly and often. Most schools have a requirement of how many physicals a child must have within a year in order to keep them eligible to attend school. By having your child examined, you can make sure they don’t have any back problems that could lead to spine degeneration or bone spurs in the future. Spine degeneration is caused when a person’s day to day activities cause wear and tear on your spine’s invertebral discs and eventually break them down. In order to correct this issue, the treatment options are physical therapy, bed rest, or epidural steroid injections to help control the pain.

Bone spurs are caused by a growth formed on the bone and even though it’s usually a smooth growth, it does cause pain if it begins to touch ligaments, nerves, or tendons. These can usually be found in areas such as the shoulders, spine, hands, hips, knees, and feet. Most bone spurs don’t require treatment if they don’t hurt you, and a solution for them may be as simple as losing weight, massaging the bone spur area frequently, or simply resting. By keeping up on your child’s health, you can help reduce the risk of these problems along with more to ensure your child has a full and happy childhood.

Learn more about how to make sure your child’s back is being taken care of HERE, and also please refer to this article

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Herniated Disc Repair – Surgery for the Spine

In your spine, there are small, spongy discs that cushion the bones forming the spine. These discs work as shock absorbers for the spine making it flexible. Sometimes, all or part of a spinal disc is forced through a weakened part of the disc placing pressure on nearby nerves. This condition is known as herniated disc. It may be caused by:
·         Age. The advancing age may wear out the disc making them less flexible.
·         Spinal injury. A spinal injury may cause cracks in the hard outer layer of the disc forcing out the gel inside the disc. This may cause the disc to bulge or break open into pieces.

A herniated disc mostly affects people in their middle age or old age and those who perform strenuous physical activity. Among other causes, congenital conditions affecting the size of the lumbar spinal canal may also cause the problem.

The condition may be characterized by varying low back or neck pain. The pain may be mild tingling, dull ache or burning, pulsating. The pain may be severe enough making the patient unable to move. Here may also be numbness. Depending on the area affected, the pain may mostly affect one side of the body. In a lumbar herniated disc, there may be a sharp pain in part of the leg, hip or buttocks. There may also be numbness that may make the leg to feel weak. On the other hand, a cervical herniated disc may cause pain while moving neck, deep pain near or over the shoulder blade. In some cases, the pain may radiate to upper arm, forearm or fingers. More often than not, the pain gets worse after standing or sitting, at night, while sneezing, coughing, laughing or, while bending backwards or walking for a few yards.   

During an initial consultation, the surgeon may perform a physical examination and take history of your pain.  Besides that, a neurological examination may also be performed to evaluate muscle reflexes, sensation and muscle strength which may reveal a decrease in the spinal curvature. The surgeon may also perform diagnostic tests that may include
·         Spine x-ray
·         Spine MRI or spine CT
·         EMG
·         Nerve conduction velocity
·         Myelogram

The journey to herniated disc repair may include
·         Medications. The patient may be given NSAIDs and narcotic painkillers. Those having back spasms may be given muscle relaxants.
·         Lifestyle changes. The patient may be asked to change their dietary habits and include exercise in their routine.
·         Injections. The injections administered are usually either steroid injections or spinal injections.
·         Surgery. The surgery performed is known as Diskectomy which may remove the cushion protecting the spinal column.

To know more about herniated disc repair Check this Website :

Friday, March 9, 2012

Spinal Degeneration Surgery

Many people experience daily back pain for various reasons.  Although many people struggle with this daily pain they still do not take proper care of themselves.  It is important to find out what the cause of your back pain is.  There are a lot of different places in the body that Arthritis may occur and, the back and neck is one common place. 

Many individuals over the age of fifty will experience SpineDegeneration in los angeles, which is the same thing as Arthritis.  Having to experience some degree of Spine Degeneration is not always incapacitating but, it can make life more difficult when dealing with pain.  It truly helps to maintain a fit figure because otherwise you may damage your spine. 

When you’re overweight it has negative impact on your spine. This negative impact from being overweight can trigger the Arthritis.  As much as we all may think back pain may come from working out, not working out can have worse issues.  Specially if your daily career involves sitting in front of a PC for long periods of time. 

After a period of time not working out properly or enough, sitting for too long in the wrong position, or driving for long periods of time can be the cause. It’s helpful to understand your back structure so that you’re more aware.  The back is complex and made up of various bones, a structure that consists of 26 vertebrae.  If you take all precautions and still have issues with your back then you may consider Spine Surgery in los angeles

If you feel you have back pain or neck pain that gets in the way of your daily life then you should really consider Spine Surgery.  Having to deal with daily neck and back pain may get in the way of your social and economic life, as well as work routine.  Surgery may be required if degenerative changes to the spine are severe and progressive.  Surgery is your best bet if the function of the spinal cord or nerve roots is threatened. 

If there is severe and persistent pain that goes down the arm or leg that’s associated with weakness of limbs you need surgery.  If you are only able to have limited activity or anti-inflammatory medication and spine injection treatments fail then you should consider surgery. Having spine surgery when it’s done by experienced hands and the right tools is safe.  Additionally, with better technology the openings are smaller and the tools used are finer.  Monitoring the nerves during spine surgery is another helpful procedure that reduces risks.  

To know more about Spine Degeneration and Spinal Cord Problems . Click here